CAP: The College Audition Program

Unlock Your Dream College with CAP


Interested in joining the College Audition Program?

Please fill out the CAP Interest Form so we can send you more information about this incredible program.

Transform Your College Dreams into Reality

After a 4-year intermission, Impact Arts is thrilled to bring back the College Audition Program (CAP) for the 2024-25 season. CAP is designed to guide you through every step of the college audition process, ensuring you're fully prepared to stand out and succeed.


CAP (College Audition Program) is an intensive, multi-month initiative designed to prepare students for the college audition process in Musical Theatre and/or Acting. CAP provides a structured environment for students at various stages of their audition journey. CAP is designed to build confidence, reduce stress, and ensure students are fully prepared for the rigorous college audition process.

We offer 3 packages to meet you wherever your needs are.

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High School Senior

and Post-High School

Audition Track

This comprehensive track is designed to provide unparalleled support, ensuring you are fully prepared for the college audition process.

4 Group Classes (In-Person): Intensive 3-hour sessions focused on performance practice, coaching, and dance audition experience.

4 Individual Lessons (Virtual): One-on-one vocal, monologue coaching, and dance feedback sessions.

Pre-Screen Prep & Filming: Professional guidance and filming for pre-screen submissions.

Mock Auditions: Realistic practice to refine your audition skills.

CAPBaret Performance: A showcase of your material.

Final Unifieds Prep & Coaching: Tailored preparation for Unified Auditions.

Chicago Unifieds Chaperone & Support: On-site assistance throughout the Chicago Unifieds.

Exclusive Q&A Sessions: Engage with faculty from top programs like Carnegie Mellon, CCM, Texas State, and students/alumni from over 30 colleges.


TUITION: $2,210

Apply for Financial Aid

Unifieds Chaperone & Support ONLY

This package offers invaluable guidance and comprehensive support, maximizing your chances of success at Chicago Unifieds.

Focused Coaching: Essential, last-minute prep to fine-tune your audition material before heading to Chicago.

Chaperone Services: We handle your travel needs and act as your guardian, ensuring a smooth and stress-free trip.

On-Site Support: Expert help to manage your audition schedule, on-the-spot coaching, and a built-in peer support group to keep you motivated and focused.



Add-on Application Support

Can Include any of the following: choosing colleges, applying, scholarship research, essay writing, and more.

Available only for current CAP registrants.

High School

Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior

Prep Track

This track builds a solid foundation, setting you up for success in future auditions.

4 Group Classes: Engaging 3-hour sessions focusing on performance practice, coaching, and dance audition experience.

4 Individual Lessons: Personalized vocal and monologue coaching, plus dance feedback.

Mock Audition Observation: Learn by observing seniors in action.

CAPBaret Performance: Showcase your progress.

Exclusive Q&A Sessions: Interact with faculty from top programs like Carnegie Mellon, CCM, Texas State, and connect with students and alumni from over 30 colleges.


TUITION: $1,160

Apply for Financial Aid

Add-on Application Support

Can Include any of the following: choosing colleges, applying, scholarship research, essay writing, and more.

Available only for current CAP registrants.

Why CAP?

Comprehensive Journey

Starting in September and culminating in a fully chaperoned trip to the Chicago Unified Auditions, CAP takes you on a personalized journey through the entire college audition process, including school and program identification, material selection, audition coaching, pre-screen filming, and final program selection.

Expert Guidance

With over 20 years of experience, our team, led by Ginger Morris and Adam Roberts, has a proven track record of helping students gain admission to top programs like Juilliard and NYU Tisch. Our in-person sessions include mock dance auditions, acting and vocal technique assessments, and audition-specific masterclasses.


We believe in accessibility and offer our program at a fraction of the cost of similar programs. Financial aid is available to ensure that every aspiring performer has the opportunity to succeed.

  • Receive personalized selections that best showcase your abilities.

  • Benefit from individual sessions and group classes that cover songs, monologues, and mock dance calls.

  • Work with a team to help you and your family navigate the process every step of the way.


  • Prepare thoroughly for every aspect of the audition process, including but not limited to redirects and interviews.

  • Participate in several dance auditions to help prepare for a variety of styles and experiences.

  • Work through mock auditions with folks you do not know to best prepare for the Unified audition process.

  • Don’t do it alone. A team will support you in Chicago during your biggest audition experience.

Your Future in the Performing Arts Awaits

  • Whether you're focused on musical theatre, acting, or dance, CAP offers specialized coaching that aligns with your aspirations.

  • Before heading to the Chicago Unified Auditions, participate in our CAPbaret and mock audition events to simulate the audition experience, ensuring you're fully prepared.

  • Join a network of peers, mentors, and industry professionals dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Imagine receiving your acceptance letter to a prestigious performing arts program. CAP makes this possible by equipping you with the tools, confidence, and professional support needed to excel in your auditions.

Secure Your Spot Today!

Don’t wait—CAP spots are limited, and the audition season is fast approaching. Take control of your future and ensure you're ready to shine.

College Audition Program - Audition Track College Audition Program - Audition Track College Audition Program - Audition Track College Audition Program - Audition Track
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College Audition Program - Chicago UNIFIEDS Chaperone and Support ONLY College Audition Program - Chicago UNIFIEDS Chaperone and Support ONLY
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Expert Instructors

  • Ginger Morris


  • Adam Roberts


  • Sara Burke


  • Donelvan Thigpen


  • Marita Stryker


Learn from the best! Program directors Ginger Morris and Adam Roberts, alongside renowned choreographer Sara Burke, bring over 40 years of combined experience in training students for successful college auditions. Plus, get access to masterclasses and guest lectures from a diverse group of working industry professionals.

Guest Artists

  • David Valdes


  • Jordan Williams

    CAP Alum | ACTING

  • Michael McKelvey

    Carnegie Mellon Faculty | ACTING | CONSULT

  • Noah Wood


  • Rachael Koske


CAP Calendar


  • High School Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors are eligible for the "PREP TRACK". They do not participate in pre-screen filming, mock auditons, or Unifieds.

    High School Seniors or Post-High School Students may choose either the full "AUDITON TRACK" or the "UNIFIEDS CHAPERONE & SUPPORT ONLY"

  • We have additional add-on services for CAP participants for any and all necessary private coachings.

    • Application Fees

    • Flight, Hotel, ground transportation, and Food for Chicago Unifieds

    • Audition Clothing

    • Transportation to/from in-person rehearsals

    • Add-on support (not mandatory)

  • We will have cohort and private coachings mostly virtually. Most in-person rehearsals will be held at ZACH North. All specific time scheduling and locations will be sent after enrollment.

  • We offer 3 payment plans: "Full Tuition", "2 Installments Plan", and "3 Installments Plan".

    If you choose either of the installment plans, you will be invoiced on the dates below. The full tuition must be paid by November 15th.

    • 2 Installment Plan

      • First payment due at enrollment | $580 (Prep) and $1,105 (Audition)

      • Second (and final) payment is due on November 15th | $580 (Prep) and $1,105 (Audition)

    • 3 Installment Plan

      • First payment due at enrollment | $386.66 (Prep) and $736.66 (Audition)

      • Second payment due October 15th | $386.66 (Prep) and $736.66 (Audition)

      • Third (and final) payment is due on November 15th | $386.67 (Prep) and $736.67 (Audition)

  • CAP Mock Auditions are a simulation of the college audition process. This is for the "audition track" students to get hands-on experience on what the Chicago Unifieds process will be like. "Judges/Adjudicators" will represent schools.

    CAPbaret will be an in-person performance to showcase the CAP student's hard work before they are sent of to auditions.

  • Unified Auditions, commonly referred to as Unifieds, are a series of college auditions held in major cities across the country, where students can audition for multiple musical theatre and acting programs at once. This streamlined process allows students to audition for numerous schools over the course of a few days, saving them time and travel costs.

    Key features of Unifieds:

    • Locations: Typically held in Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles. CAP takes students to the Chicago Unified Auditions February 2-6, 2025

    • Participating Schools: Hundreds of schools participate, offering both BFA and BA programs in Acting and Musical Theatre.

    • Format: Auditions include a combination of monologues, songs, and dance calls depending on the program.

    • Pre-Screens: Some schools require students to pass a pre-screen process to attend Unifieds.

    Unifieds offer a convenient way to showcase your talent to multiple top-tier programs in one go.

Success Stories

Our alumni have gone on to study at prestigious institutions such as Juilliard, The Boston Conservatory, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, and more, building impressive careers in the performing arts.

Applying for Financial Aid?

Impact Arts is committed to providing access to quality arts education for all individuals, regardless of financial circumstances. We believe in the power of the arts to transform lives and are pleased to announce that financial aid opportunities are available for anyone interested in participating in our program.

We encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds to apply for financial aid, as we strive to create an inclusive and accessible artistic community.

At Impact Arts, we are dedicated to ensuring that cost is not a barrier to the pursuit of creative passions, and we welcome all applicants to explore the transformative experience that Texas Arts Project has to offer.

To apply for finan­cial aid, you must com­plete and sub­mit the fol­low­ing info. All doc­u­ments must be uploaded to the application.

CAP pro­vides aid on a first-come, first-serve basis (dependent on eligibility.)

  • • Completion of all appli­ca­tion fields includ­ing essay questions.

    • A copy of your most recent tax return(s).

    • A resume of any and all the­atre, music, writ­ing, and/​or film expe­ri­ence from edu­ca­tion­al to professional.

    • One ref­er­ence let­ter from a teacher or pro­fes­sion­al artist who is famil­iar with your work. They should speak of past expe­ri­ences or achieve­ments as well as poten­tial for fur­ther growth.

    • A link to your video/​portfolio sub­mis­sion. Please upload video that shows your current performance level. You may include singing, acting, and/or dancing and they may be filmed as an audition or edited from performance footage.

  • Financial Aid is award­ed with­out dis­crim­i­na­tion on the basis of race, creed, col­or, eth­nic ori­gin, reli­gion, sex, dis­abil­i­ty or sex­u­al orientation.

    The total amount of Financial Aid as well as the dis­tri­b­u­tion of finan­cial aid will be based upon deter­mi­na­tion of finan­cial need and of poten­tial tal­ent deter­mined by appli­ca­tion, inter­view and/​or audi­tion as iden­ti­fied by the Director of the Texas Arts Project con­sis­tent with the pro­ject­ed avail­abil­i­ty of funds.

    The cost of tuition does not include trans­porta­tion to and from the camp and per­son­al expens­es, there­fore these fees would not be cov­ered through finan­cial assis­tance. Texas Arts Project can only reward up to 50% tuition to qual­i­fied applicants.

    All Financial Aid is award­ed on an annu­al basis. Most will be award­ed 1 month pri­or to the com­mence­ment date for each Texas Arts Project sum­mer session.

    1. Financial Aid is sub­ject to the avail­abil­i­ty of funds and an open posi­tion in the camp ses­sion; and Financial Aid award­ed for any giv­en ses­sion is valid for that ses­sion only.

    2. ALL FINANCIAL AID is ter­mi­nal and there­fore ALL FINANCIAL AID RECIPIENTS must reap­ply each year.

    3. All appli­ca­tions for finan­cial assis­tance will be con­sid­ered on a first appli­ca­tion sub­mit­ted basis.

    4. ALL FINANCIAL AID may be sub­ject to can­cel­la­tion at any time at the direc­tion of the Texas Arts Project Director based on but not nec­es­sar­i­ly lim­it­ed to poor per­for­mance, poor class/​rehearsal atten­dance, dis­rup­tive behav­ioral prob­lems, and lack of demon­strat­ed motivation.

    5. All Financial Aid recip­i­ents must cer­ti­fy that the finan­cial infor­ma­tion sub­mit­ted in the appli­ca­tion is true and cor­rect to their best belief; and fur­ther­more, that if any sub­stan­tial finan­cial change occurs that might impact their eli­gi­bil­i­ty for their assis­tance, that they will prompt­ly noti­fy the Texas Arts Project Director of such changes.