Teacher Development
Workshops for teachers/directors/educators may be arranged through the district and can be arranged for one school, multiple schools, across the district, or across several districts.
They may be arranged as 1.5-hour sessions or 3-hour sessions.
The average cost of a professional development session is $125 per hour per facilitator. Examples of our offerings may be seen below:
How to cut Shakespeare: finding the through-line and keeping your audience
Dynamic Staging for Classic Texts
Get the Audience Close! Blocking In-the-Round and Thrust with Shakespeare
Actions, Pronouns, and Names!
Oh Crap, there’s a dance! Creating theme-appropriate choreography for Shakespeare party scenes
Music In Shakespeare: How to work with songs in the text
Classic & Safe Stage Combat & Resources
The Feelings Matter More: How to worry less about the audience “getting every word”
Shakespeare’s Fools: How to Find the Funny in Every Scene
Shakespeare Nerds: Want to really learn about scansion?
Musical Theatre Choreography
Building a HUGE musical number
Planning a Musical: Form Auditions to Your First Rehearsal
How Do I Musical? Breaking Down the Process of Building a Great Musical
Simple Musical Theatre Revue: How-To
The Ensemble Can Be a Star
How to Teach Contemporary Musical Theatre Vocals
Dynamic directing: The jump-in and jump-out approach to scene work
Building the Confident Young Actor
How to Get Actors to Use their Arms & Legs
Effective Rehearsal Warm-ups for Mind & Body
Building a Huge Musical Number
How to use EVERYONE
Bringing Special Needs Students to Your Stage
From Goals to Lessons: Building curriculum that WORKS
Making the Standards work for your program
Growing Your Arts Programs
How to Foster a Welcoming and Inclusive Program
Yes, They Can! Giving Creative Confidence to Students with Special Needs
Marketing your Program
How To Design your Posters
Train Your Student Marketing & Design Team
Leverage student power to promote your show
Boost-ing Your Program: How to Foster a Positive Booster Organization
Peeling the Onion to make Table Work WORK
How to Cut Your UIL OAP
The Puzzle: Or, How I Learned to Stop Obsessing and Love UIL OAP (for the most part)